Friday, May 21, 2010

New photos of surrounding flowers

I wonder if it's because of the warmer weather, or because I now have more space to play in, but I'm a little obsessed with everything that's growing and transforming on our property. Here are a few examples...

Tiny little purple flowers growing on the lawn, much better than the regular grass, if you ask me !

Wild strawberries are abundant as well. Looking forward to the tiny juicy fruits...

Many snow white stems have been popping up in the shadowy areas, fragrant Lily of the Valley

A little Cherry Tree we planted last weekend. A dream come true for me.

An apple tree, in full bloom, with bees galore. Beautiful. Can't wait to see if the deer will come to eat all my apples.

Oh and me, working a saw to prepare the beautiful flower boxes Mr. Fox has created for our front windows. More photos will be posted when they're up and full of blooms.

Ciao for now!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Wild nature

Well, there are less boxes to open than at the beginning of the week, but with the warmer weather coming our way, I've been too tempted to work on the flowers outside. The wild roses we've inherited are in dire need of some TLC, so with the help of Mr. Fox's mom, we put on some hefty gloves and started the clean up. A few pics for you
Some sad looking roses, don't you think?

I'm very intrigued by these little leaves growing in patches in the yard. Anyone know what they are ?

Without any effort, this beauty popped up right beside the house...

Well, this weekend, we might expect some snow, so I guess I'll be busy fixing up the inside of the house and I'll take a few photos and share with you soon.