Saturday, December 18, 2010

The dog ate my homework

You know that old grade school excuse: "The dog ate my homework"? Well it's taken a digital turn and I, unfortunately must use it today... Here's the 2010 version for amateur bloggers: "The dog ate my camera". Yep, it's true, Mika, our sweet little blondie, totally ATE the camera I used to document my life in the mountains. Now believe me, I'm not exaggerating even just a little bit, she really did chew it up into tiny little bits. Broke open the lens (a retractable one, which means that she managed to OPEN the camera), she got the memory card out and broke it in half ! Even I had trouble getting that little bit of plastic out of the camera when it was a useful tool... how determined she was! So needless to say that both Mr. Fox and I were furious when we walked in after a day's work to find dozens and dozens of chewed metal and plastic bits all over the floor...
So basically that's my excuse for now... the dog ate my camera.
I'll have to resort to other means for the next posts to create colorful imaginary photos for you to see in your mind...