Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mr. Fox and I have officially been living in the country for a full year. He's so happy that we've stayed in one place for such a long time! he he I think we have many more years ahead of us in our little blue house in the mountains.
After living through the full 4 seasons, it is safe to say that I'm really happy Spring has arrived. It's such a joy to clean up our land after it has been dormant under the white blanket.

One of my first projects this year was to build a compost bin. With Mr. Fox's watchful eye and helpful tips, I repurposed Mika's dog house (she hadn't adopted it, and it was clear she never would) and used the lumber to build a decent sized enclosure. I'm pretty happy with the result. Looking forward to using the rich soil it will create either in the fall or for next spring's plantings.

Adding dried leaves to the compost.
We've also started up our outdoor fire pit and are enjoying the warmth and light on cool Spring evenings. And the smell of a campfire is so appealing.
I guess it's safe to say I've turned into a real country girl !
Quite an outfit, n'est-ce pas?
And on country road, we don't have many passersby. But on occasion, we'll get an unexpected guest!
One of our neighbor's hens came to say hello.
Needless to say that there is never a dull moment here in the mountains!
À la prochaine!