Sunday, August 21, 2011

Whats up with me?

Well, quite a lot actually. I'm now officially on vacation for... (drum roll please) 6 months! Yep, I did it and am on sabbatical from work to focus on other creative and fun ventures. So it's been 1 week now and let's just say it's been interesting. I've had the time to relax, enjoy the country life and plan some of my projects. And I must say that I don't miss the daily commute to the city, no I really don't.
So here are a few photo updates of my country life. My little garden is flourishing and we've already had the joy of eating some home-grown tomatoes, cucumbers and radishes. Now it's time for string beans and hopefully peppers. Once again, carrots were NOT a success... maybe next year.
Back row: green beans, cucumber, zucchini, tomatoes
Middle: radishes, beets, green and red peppers, hot chili peppers
Front: onions, herbs, green onions and more herbs
Here we have a few pics from some flowers in full bloom around the house. Such a joy to see them grow.
Poppies grown from seeds, so beautiful and delicate petals 
Hello Sunshine - one of the many 6' tall sunflowers by the side of the house. Can't help but smile when you see these tall beauties.
So during the past week, I had the pleasure of going on a field trip with my lovely Mama, to visit the Clef des Champs gardens in Val-David. They specialize in herbs and medicinal plants, it was a beautiful and quite warm day and I truly enjoyed the visit and the company.

Mama looks like a Southern Belle
Thanks for the hat Mama. (Yes I know, we really look alike)
A glimpse at the mountainous gardens at Clef des champs
In case you're wondering, Mika is doing great, she's a really happy dog, resting in the shade.