Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I've not been lazy...

I know it's been a long time since my last entry, but believe me, I've not been lazy... I've actually been quite busy.
Firstly, with the warmer weather and the last full moon in May behind us, I had the pleasure of having a very hard working crew to help in creating another dream of mine... a vegetable garden. After many days of studying the optimal sunlit spot, we removed grass, put in many many bags of earth and compost and created a beautiful little garden space. In the process of digging a very wormy lot, I hit the jackpot, an enormous rock was hidden and had to be displaced. Mr. Fox did a great job, a Herculean job!

And with Mr. Fox's parents (who both worked extremely hard) we made this little beauty.
So in this lovely lot, I'll be growing tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, green onions, leek, beets, radishes, carrots and beans. Most veggies have sprouted from seeds, with the exception of our ravishing tomatoes, green peppers and 1 cucumber plant. See the result so far.

And when the weather wasn't on our side, I was busy indoors, doing another hobby that I enjoy... sewing. When we got our house, we inherited lots of furniture which had seen better days. So one evening, Mr. Fox and I set out to the fabric store (heaven!!!) and bought out the place. Well, not quite, but we did get enough fabric for me to make slip covers for an armchair, two loveseats and another little padded chair. The first project was the armchair. As this was my first experience in the slipcover world, I planned everything out with much patience and determination. Measuring, drawing, notes, cutting, buying the piping, pinning the pieces and finally sewing. I have to say, I'm quite pleased with the result. Let me know what you think. There are 3 other projects to come, so advice and ideas are more than welcome. I promise to post soon... Ta ta !


  1. Beautifull job with the armchair my Queen!! Besos!

  2. Great work! I can't wait to see this chair from up close!
