Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The seasons are changing !

Yikes I can't believe it's been over a month since my last post ! So much has changed... weather-wise that is! Take a look at a nice automn foggy morning.
And just a few days (or is it weeks!) later...

I'm so happy with the color we chose for the house, I think it stands out well in this foresty environment. Don't you?

As you know, we had quite a vegetable garden growing, but when the temperature dipped, we harvested all the tomatoes we could and this is our first crop...
Because we had sooooo many, I did some research and it turns out that you can actually help ripen green tomatoes indoors with a few different techniques... all worked beautifully.
Firstly, you can suspend them and they will ripen. So for a little while our kitchen looked a little bit like a Tuscan villa (ok, maybe I'm pushing it, but it looked great).
Another easy way to help speed up the ripening process is to place a few apples close by. The mix of enzymes will speed things up. Needless to say, by a few weeks, we had lots and lots of tomatoes, so I canned most of them, the old fashioned way. So in the cold winter days ahead, we'll have some juicy tomatoes to use in a comforting meal. Yummy.

Talking about yummy, I made my first hand-kneaded bread ! Smelled wonderful in the house and actually tasted pretty good too !
Well, that's it for now. I'm planning a baking extravaganza in the next while, so I'll take photos and share them with you soon ! Cheers !

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