Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Okay, let's see what has been going on in Brie's world since December 18th 2010? Hmmm...
Well, first the Holidays were nice. Got to see family and friends. Shared great meals, gave and received gifts and created lovely memories. We even put up a Christmas tree this year, our very first. Ok, go ahead laugh... it was a little bit ugly, but hey, we got it from our own land, and with snow on the branches, it looked great. I don't care if you laugh, it was the most wonderful tree of all !

The weather has been on our side, not too much snow has accumulated, so we haven't been shoveling all that much. We even got some rain on New Year's Eve! Anyhow, with the snow that is on the ground, Mr. Fox has put together a sled for our Mika to train with.

I'm sure she'll get the hang of it. She is kind of worried about the noise that's following her more than the weight of the load, but she's getting better each time they go out to train. Mr. Fox is quite the "débrouillard", he attached some skis to the bottom of the sled, adapted the ropes to the sides of it and created a comfortable (padded) harness for our canine companion. Needless to say, after a workout like this, she's wiped out and will sleep for hours. (quiet time for us! he he)

As far as the house, we've been doing some minor improvements, nothing too crazy. We finished insulating the mud room, I've been working on sewing new cushions for the dining room chairs (not done yet), and decorated the piano room with Mr. Fox's collection of masks.

There's lots more to be done, but we're taking it slowly, enjoying our fireplace and the mild winter weather.

We've had, um, situations, with wild (!) animals too. So far we've caught, count'em: 1 feisty squirrel, 6 mice (1 has caught stealing dog food) and one kitten.

So I guess that's life in the country...

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