Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fauna & Flora

Oh boy, let me first say that I’m sorry for not posting sooner. Lots of preparation has been done for the big day (moving) at the house, as well as packing and planning.
So, let’s just jump back to where I left off.
On Sunday April 4th, while I was still working on the screens, something caught my eye. As I turned around to my right, I saw an animal cross the road. In my most excited, yet quiet voice, I called out to Mr. Fox who was at the very back of the workshop, to come and see. We were both awe struck when 2 magnificent female moose crossed the road, toward the mountain behind our house. We rushed to find the camera, but they were already up the hill. What a moment of wonder we had. Maybe 10 minutes later, my dear sister Caro and her boys arrived to visit. It was great to have guests who discovered our new home, the little boys looked in every corner and mostly ran around in the front yard.
They were most impressed by the little bones we found earlier behind a tree in the back yard. I understand, we all are!
Jump to the next weekend, where we, yet again, woke up to some snow on the ground. No problem, it all melted in but a few hours. Phew! We got to work on the grounds, had a helping hand (and lunch!) from Mr. Fox’s parents and enjoyed another great weekend. I got a gardening itch and with the weather on my side, I planted a bunch of seeds while Mr. Fox installed a newly painted birdhouse.

And finally these last 2 days have been all about preparing the house to greet all our stuff. The Workshop is in top shape with the impressive clean up that was done. We discovered our 1 crocus in the very middle of the yard… how it got there is a mystery. Doesn’t really matter, I’m enjoying the wonder it procures…
Here is the progress in regards to the seedlings, yay! Basil, parsley, coriander (yep, that’s love baby!), rosemary and a few flowers. I love Spring and all that comes with it!
More to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I was missing the possibility of reading this great blog...and its continuing story. It is great fun, keeps me feeling close to you Brie and especially proud of my eldest daughter. You are amazing sweetie, keep up the good work!
