Saturday, April 3, 2010

First Wild Flowers of the Season

It’s the first day of a long weekend and the weather is definitely on our side. Beautiful, sunny, warm and just enough of a breeze. This morning as we studied the newly exposed grass and other greenery around the house, Mr. Fox grabbed my hand and brought me to the discovery of the season. The very first wild flowers are out, even though the snow remains just a few inches away. Does anyone know what kind of flower this is? If so, please let me know.

As I walked behind the Workshop, I quickly learned that the wooded area near the road is a busy highway for squirrels and chipmunks. This little one even stopped on a log to take a breather and let me take a snapshot.

We started working on the screens for the windows of the house. Scraping, removing old “mousticaire”, and very very old staples. It’s quite a job, but with this weather, pfff, not too bad a job to do outside.

Anyhow, I’ll most likely have more photos to share before the weekend is over. Hope you’re all doing well and taking some time off to enjoy as well.

Cheers !


  1. What a beautifull day my Queen!
    More to come!
    Mr. Fox

  2. We got to share the beautiful scenery and see those pretty flowers too! Lovely!

    Caroline & the gang

  3. Can't wait to go see!

