Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Snow, moose and paper

When I went to sleep on Sunday night, I was wiped out. We worked hard again this weekend, and my body started to feel that after a few weeks of not so relaxing but very fruitful work, it was time to rest up. So when I awoke in the wee hours of the night, I saw the Spring time snow falling all around. When I finally dragged myself out of bed, a heavy carpet of wet snow covered the ground and the trees were also coated with the white stuff. It was BEAUTIFUL, even for March 29th ! See for yourself… I thought I was witnessing a set straight out of a Tim Burton movie.

Another funny discovery at the house this weekend happened in the vaccuming of a tiny nook in the very corner of the top floor. Under many layers of cardboard and a rug was this very intricate painting. I wonder who did this. My imagination tells me it may be a young girl spending many rainy hours in a tiny closet in her bedroom painting animals she may have during the summer. Maybe not, we’ll never know !

Oh and while I was reading a random blog today, I came across this wonderful stop-motion animation film made out of paper.


The artist’s name is Javan Ivey. www.javanivey.com

Enjoy !

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