Sunday, March 28, 2010

Floor and Windows

This weekend consists of finishing up our future office. Mr. Fox sanded down the hardwood floor and applied a beautiful Danish Oil. The result is stunning, with a lovely wood grain in a rich brown hue. It looks like it would have probably 60 years ago. That’s what I like to imagine !

I sewed up a few curtains to dress up the windows in the dining room and finished the bathroom curtain as well. Nothing fancy for now, like I wrote earlier, we’re going to wait and actually move in to really decorate. But I feel the curtains add a little bit of “homy-ness” (is that even a word?)

We’ve been having lots of guests over since we got the house and we’re loving it. Thanks to Mr. Fox’s parents, we had a lovely lunch yesterday and a nice chatting break in the late afternoon with Nat and her friends.

Although there is still lots of snow, I bought a few blooms to cheer up the place. I just can’t wait to start playing in the dirt and see what type of garden will take shape. Until then, I’ll do some indoor planting and hope for a quick and sunny Spring to appear here in the Laurentians.

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