Saturday, March 20, 2010

A visitor in our home

After a crazy week, it’s great to be here, up North, in the mountains, and doing a little bit (or rather a lot) of physical work. Today I painted our future office space. Last week, we discovered a beautiful ceiling that was hiding under boards of press wood. And the structural beams have been freed from their massive casings. So now everything is a bright, clean white. We’ll add some color once we officially move in and live in the space for a bit. Mr. Fox worked with many power tools (he he) and he started stripping the screens for the windows (the natural wood will be beautiful I think) and as I write this, he is preparing dinner. (I’m so lucky)

What’s even more fun and interesting this weekend, is that we have a visitor with us. His name is Sam, weighs 90 lbs, is very very hairy and sleeps a lot. He’s our friends’ dog and is with us for about 24 hours. We’re delighted to have him, and we’re now so eager to get a dog of our own.

Snow has melted quite a bit and we discovered a BBQ the previous owners left under behind. Oh and we had somewhat of a water crisis this afternoon when the washer went into the rinse cycle ! Nothing to worry about, it’s just part of getting to know our house. All is under control… for now anyway! Here are a few pics for your viewing pleasure.

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