Friday, August 13, 2010

There she is...

There she is... she's ALMOST done. We now know all about her very old siding, her multiple coats of paint, each little corner and her history of roofs. We spent most of our vacation painting our home and we're thrilled with the result. She still feels old and country, just more up-to-date and cleaner. 

All that's left are the two "lucarnes" (the windows inserted in the roof). We have some work to do on the structure and will have to wait a little bit longer before adding some color to them.

We also have to work on the windows, not the frames, the actual windows. Before the cold weather sets in, we'll scrape, caulk and paint all the windows of the house... there are quite a few.

And we'll also finish the roofing isolation from the back.

Alors, nous avons beaucoup de pain sur la planche avant de finir notre maison, mais comme Mr. Fox dit si bien, notre vieille maison a juste besoin d'un peu d'amour.
De l'amour, nous en avons et nous en donnons....

We'll take some evening photos soon and I'll post. The colour is drastically different.

Here's a pick of a new little visitor... a hare!

I'd love to read your comments.
What's on the menu for today ? A DAY OFF !!! I think we deserve it.

Ta ta for now.


  1. I absolutely love it! you guys worked hard!!! it looks great, as the pictures do too. I can't wait to see it from up close! Did your neighbours say anything about the improvement?

  2. My OH My ! ! It is BEAUTIFUL! and the blue is so rich! It's truly yours when you get to "feel" your new abode....sounds like you two have "felt" every inch and cranny of your home.
    WOW, you really are close to nature! How fortunate you are to experience so many of God's creatures. ENJOY! tante Denise XO
