Wednesday, August 4, 2010

An update

Well, I hadn't realized it'd been that long since my last post... 1 month !!! A lot has happened:

Firstly, I must say that our Internet connection isn't quite as optimal as it should be. It's very tedious to upload photos. I'll do my best to be more patient and let it do its thing...

The doggie grew quite a bit, she's now entering her "teenage" rebellion... this is a little bit frustrating for me, but hey, I'll live through it. Must remain patient and calm... but she's a real cutie !

Mr. Fox has been such a great sport in cleaning out the yucky attic (no photos here).

And our house is coming along. We're now on vacation and our main task is to paint the whole exterior of the house. Here are a few pics of the scaffolding and me scraping the windows.

As soon as we have some color on the walls, I'll post some new pics.

The garden has gone crazy, soooo many tomatoes are growing and the cucumbers are delish. We'll be eating home grown zucchini for a while too. I even tried a childhood dish with the flowers. The result: not like I remembered, but hey, I tried !

So that's it for now, I'll try to be more disciplined with posting. See ya soon !

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see more of the house being painted! thanks for the pics! Keep up the good work!

