Monday, April 25, 2011

Is it true? Spring is here?

Is it true? Spring is here? Well it sure seems like after a very very long snow winter, Mother Nature said GO to Spring... phew! What a relief  to see the many signs of a warmer season. Even though the snow is still around (and probably will be until July by the size of the snow banks... sheesh!) I do have a few crocuses that are blooming. What strong plants they are to endure the heavy snow and frozen nights.

And the birdies are back, tiny little white tummies chipping away at the bell of grains.

But of course, Spring on our property means lots of mud and for our furry little friend, that means dirty paws, but also lots of sleeping in the sun on the balcony.
One of the things I like most about Spring are the longer days. Feels great! So is it true? Spring is finally here!!!

P.S. We even got a visit from what looks like a Superhero to welcome the change of season... ta ta ta ta ta ta ta   Batman !!! he he

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