Sunday, April 3, 2011

My love of bread

Lately, I've decided to explore my love of bread. I truly LOVE making fresh bread. I love reading the recipes  well in advance, going through the pantry to select the ingredients, getting the workspace cleared and turning up my sleeves. Measuring the flour and yeast. Mixing in the warm water and adding any other flavorful foods. Then the real work starts. Kneading is a workout, but oh how rewarding to see the dough rise and become alive. Then creating the shape of the bread and letting it rise again. And then comes baking. The sweet aroma it brings to our home in the country is heart-warming.
Ok, some may say I've gone goo-goo, but I am just really into this wholesome food. And Mr. Fox doesn't seem to mind be the Taster En Chef.
Here is the Pain de ménage. A very simple yet moist white bread.

And here is a crustier loaf.

This weekend I even tried an Apple-Nut Bread. Yummy.

Oh, by the way, the snow is melting, slowly but surely. It is April after all. I even saw some early bulbs flowering... can't wait to see those beauties grow.