Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Snow, moose and paper

When I went to sleep on Sunday night, I was wiped out. We worked hard again this weekend, and my body started to feel that after a few weeks of not so relaxing but very fruitful work, it was time to rest up. So when I awoke in the wee hours of the night, I saw the Spring time snow falling all around. When I finally dragged myself out of bed, a heavy carpet of wet snow covered the ground and the trees were also coated with the white stuff. It was BEAUTIFUL, even for March 29th ! See for yourself… I thought I was witnessing a set straight out of a Tim Burton movie.

Another funny discovery at the house this weekend happened in the vaccuming of a tiny nook in the very corner of the top floor. Under many layers of cardboard and a rug was this very intricate painting. I wonder who did this. My imagination tells me it may be a young girl spending many rainy hours in a tiny closet in her bedroom painting animals she may have during the summer. Maybe not, we’ll never know !

Oh and while I was reading a random blog today, I came across this wonderful stop-motion animation film made out of paper.


The artist’s name is Javan Ivey. www.javanivey.com

Enjoy !

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Floor and Windows

This weekend consists of finishing up our future office. Mr. Fox sanded down the hardwood floor and applied a beautiful Danish Oil. The result is stunning, with a lovely wood grain in a rich brown hue. It looks like it would have probably 60 years ago. That’s what I like to imagine !

I sewed up a few curtains to dress up the windows in the dining room and finished the bathroom curtain as well. Nothing fancy for now, like I wrote earlier, we’re going to wait and actually move in to really decorate. But I feel the curtains add a little bit of “homy-ness” (is that even a word?)

We’ve been having lots of guests over since we got the house and we’re loving it. Thanks to Mr. Fox’s parents, we had a lovely lunch yesterday and a nice chatting break in the late afternoon with Nat and her friends.

Although there is still lots of snow, I bought a few blooms to cheer up the place. I just can’t wait to start playing in the dirt and see what type of garden will take shape. Until then, I’ll do some indoor planting and hope for a quick and sunny Spring to appear here in the Laurentians.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A visitor in our home

After a crazy week, it’s great to be here, up North, in the mountains, and doing a little bit (or rather a lot) of physical work. Today I painted our future office space. Last week, we discovered a beautiful ceiling that was hiding under boards of press wood. And the structural beams have been freed from their massive casings. So now everything is a bright, clean white. We’ll add some color once we officially move in and live in the space for a bit. Mr. Fox worked with many power tools (he he) and he started stripping the screens for the windows (the natural wood will be beautiful I think) and as I write this, he is preparing dinner. (I’m so lucky)

What’s even more fun and interesting this weekend, is that we have a visitor with us. His name is Sam, weighs 90 lbs, is very very hairy and sleeps a lot. He’s our friends’ dog and is with us for about 24 hours. We’re delighted to have him, and we’re now so eager to get a dog of our own.

Snow has melted quite a bit and we discovered a BBQ the previous owners left under behind. Oh and we had somewhat of a water crisis this afternoon when the washer went into the rinse cycle ! Nothing to worry about, it’s just part of getting to know our house. All is under control… for now anyway! Here are a few pics for your viewing pleasure.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Home

Well, Mr. Fox and I just bought our first house. It’s a quaint (as my mom says) country house up in the mountains, outside of the city. We’d been looking into a few real estate notices on the web, and actually only visited four residences in all, when we fell in love with this old house. As it turns out, it dates back to the very early 1900s. We don’t know the official building date, but we know the first time it appears in the books is 1903. Of course, there are many updates and renovations that have been made, but the heart of the home is old and it has a soul and I think that’s why it spoke to us. Anyway, we’ve had the keys to it for a mere two weeks, we’ve been going back and forth from our city apartment to the Laurentians on the weekend. Another great thing about this adventure, is that not only are the bones of the house great, but we bought it fully furnished, so we have couches, tables, beds and dishes galore to help us through our weekend projects. It’s such a luxury to be able to make dinner here (um, I must say, Mr. Fox cooks, I’m so lucky) after we’ve spent the day cleaning and doing a little bit of demolition.

Here are a few of the many treasures we’ve found since we got here:

1. Beautiful linens (thanks mom for the fabulous scent you gave them)

2. Old records

3. Many vases, some cute, some not

4. Doilies (Melissa, I’m saving some for you!)

5. Furniture

I’ll be sharing many more findings in the next entries.

Oh and there is still a lot of snow here, can’t wait to see what the property looks like when nature shares its colors !

Aurevoir !